Crowell ISD will accept sealed proposals for school equipment, kitchen furniture, and a school truck. All sealed proposals must be received by January 11, 2024, at 3:40 p.m. Any sealed proposals received after the date and time listed will not be considered. The school board will open the sealed proposals at the regularly scheduled meeting on January 15, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. Proposals may be withdrawn before the scheduled opening time. All sealed proposals must contain the purchaser’s name, address, phone number, item number, description of the items being bid on, and the proposal amount. Changes in the content of a proposal and prices may be negotiated after proposals are opened. To access the item list, you can come to the high school front office and request a physical copy or visit our website at and scroll down to the news and events section of the website homepage. You can also call the office at 940-684-1403 and set an appointment to view the items in person. For any questions, you can contact the superintendent at 940-684-1403.
Hand Delivery Address:
Crowell ISD Superintendent's Office
400 E Logan Street
Crowell, Texas 79227
Mailing Address:
Office Crowell ISD School Board
P.O. Box 239
Crowell, Texas 79227
The district may reject any and all proposals in accordance with state or federal law, as applicable.